Want to have a powerful body that can do ALL the things as you get older?
That’s the power of functional fitness!
Regardless of your age, functional fitness mimics everyday movements — so you’ll not only lower your risk of injury during everyday activities… but they’ll be a lot easier to do.
Activities like…
Sitting down and standing up from your chair
Climbing up stairs or walking up hills
Carrying groceries or lifting heavy objects (or kids!)
And of course, fun activities like going on hikes with your family or moving your furniture around whenever the mood strikes!
Most of us don’t think about our mobility or flexibility until we get hurt…
But by adding functional exercises into your workout routine…
You’ll have a better chance of staying strong and flexible for life.
Even if your #1 goal is to look better naked, being able to move your body easily and freely can make a huge difference in how you feel.
If you want to practice some functional movements at home, you can try…
Walking lunges across your living room (aim for 10-15 reps for each leg, repeat 2-3 times)
Bodyweight squats or sitting down and standing up from a chair (aim for 10-15 reps and repeat twice)
Wall pushups — stand a few feet away from the wall with your arms out in front of you, keeping your core neutral. From there, bend your elbows to bring your chest towards the wall, then push back to the starting position and repeat (aim for 10-15 reps, repeat twice).
Think of these quick exercises as small deposits into your “wellness bank account”…
They may not seem like much now, but later on you’ll be happy you made the investment!
Want more simple ways to prioritize your fitness?
My small group training program gives you step by step guidance to help you lose weight in just 6-weeks.
Click here to book a quick call to see if this could work for you!
Committed to your health and happiness,
Josh Hightower
(254) 277-3161