Already Setup Your Online Account and Ready to Login Now?

First Time to Login to Your Account Online?

Read below for setup instructions...

Step 1) You'll need to setup your online profile first. Click HERE which will open our online membership portal in a new window so you can follow along. Make sure to save that link in your favorites!

Step 2) In our membership portal, on the right side under 'New Members', you'll need to click the 'Create Your Account' button.

Step 3) A popup will appear asking for your membership information.

First, you need to enter your member number. This number is the number on your Titan Fitness keytag under the barcode.

IMPORTANT: You'll need to add a prefix of "Y4-" before your keytag number.

For example, if your keytag barcode is G123456, you'll enter Y4-G123456 as your member number.

Step 4) Next create and confirm a password you'll be able to remember!

Step 5) Then enter your email address, home phone, and date of birth.

Your date of birth and membership number must match what you provided on your membership paperwork when you signed up as a member!

If you are unsuccessful & feel like something's missing, just call us at (254)277-3161 and we'll help you straighten it out!

Step 6) If your information entered matches, then you'll receive a message that your member has been verified and to 'Click Here'.

Step 7) Once you've successfully logged into the membership portal, you'll be able to manage your entire account, including making a payment on your account.

If you're having trouble, please give us a call at (254)277-3161 so we can help you setup your online membership access!